Every website owner probably wants more traffic coming into their site. I shouldn’t have to repeat the cliché that “traffic is the lifeblood of any blog”… I’m sure you already know that.
This is because you won’t get more clients without more traffic. It’s only when you’re able to bring people to your website that you will have the chance to convert them into customers.
In other words…
Does that make sense?
That said, if more website traffic has been your problem all this time, I want you to bring your seat closer as I’m about to unveil to you some great ideas you can use to attract more traffic to your website.
I want you to understand that there are many ways you can drive traffic to your site, but today, we’re going to talk about five ways you can hack content marketing to increase traffic.
5 Content Marketing Hacks for Attracting More Website Visitors
1. Come Up With Viral Content Ideas
First of all, you have to understand why certain content goes viral while others don’t. Once you’ve figured this out, it will become easier for you to adapt to what works.
According to Jonah Berger, an associate professor of marketing, Wharton School, useful and practical content that arouses emotion gets shared the most.

Gone are the days when all you needed to do was create content that appealed to Google alone. If you want to remain relevant in your industry today, your primary focus should be on your readers.
The search engines can come later.
It pays more to focus on valuable and emotionally driven content that your audience will highly benefit from. Once you’re able to achieve this, they will help spread the word about it.
You may not necessarily succeed at having viral ideas each time, but nailing it once in a while will go a long way in enhancing your website’s traffic and getting more clients.
To help you in your viral content idea brainstorming, provide an answer to the following questions:
Don’t forget that great content marketing strategy with positive recipes will perform much better online. If you can continually stimulate positive emotions from your content, people will naturally be attracted to you.
You don’t have to reinvent the wheel here. Just identify good writers, authority bloggers, and leading marketers in your niche who seem to dominate the entire market with their content. Study them and use their formulas to craft your own engaging content.
2. Write In-Depth Articles
No matter how good you are at content promotion, if your content suck, you’re not going anywhere. Basically, for your content promotion strategies to yield a really positive result, your content must be epic.
This is the type of content that both Google and your potential clients will love.
What you need to do is research your topic thoroughly and make sure that you cover everything with precision and detail.
This type of article is usually over 2,000 words.
According to serpIQ, articles that contain 2,000 words or more tend to perform better on search engines:

Therefore, by continuously publishing irresistible, thought-provoking, and in-depth articles, you will be able to attract not only more search traffic, but also more social shares.

From the two charts above, you will see that long-form content converts better than short-form content. To back up this claim, a recent study performed by Marketing Experiments shows that on their homepage, long-form content outperformed short-form content by 30% in terms of conversions.
For you to be able to craft this type of content, do the following:
3. Make Your Headlines Irresistible
Without a good headline, even the most comprehensive content will be ignored. Your headline is one of the most important aspects of your content.
If you wish to grab your audience’s attention, then you must learn how to craft attention grabbing and enchanting headlines. This is because you have only about 8 seconds to either keep or lose them to your competitors.
It’s no wonder that the experts say you should spend the same amount of time writing your content as you do writing your headline.
Writing magnetic headlines will not only bring you more visitors and potential clients, but it will always keep them coming back to your site.
4. Use Advanced Guest Posting
Basically, there are two ways to build a blog audience via content marketing:
Whichever you choose, what matters most is that you’re delivering value to people and thereby converting them into fans and customers.
However, while guest posting can help you build quality links from authority blogs, don’t make link building your primary focus; instead, use it to build a relationship and attract targeted visitors to your site who you will eventually convert to clients.
That was how the guys at GrooveHQ were able to reach over 1,000,000 people within their first year of blogging.

The best guest blogging strategy is to use it to build your audience and not to get links to boost your search ranking. Believe me, if everything is done properly, the links will naturally come without you asking for them.
Follow the steps below to improve your guest blogging tactics for better traffic and exposure:
Step 1. Search for relevant blogs in your niche.
By “relevant blogs”, I mean the blogs that already attract your ideal audience. To do this, simply go to Google and do some research – e.g. if you’re into social media marketing, you could search for the keyword “beginner’s guide to social media marketing”:

Now that you already know the blogs that attract the type of audience you’re looking for, let’s go to the next step.
Step 2. Analyze the site’s social influence.
The fact that a web page ranks high on Google does not mean that it will drive lots of traffic to your blog.
You need to find out how many people are likely going to share your post on Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.
To figure this out, input the blog’s URL into the Buzzsumo search field and discover the number of social shares their recent blog posts gathered. Let’s do this with one of the blogs we got earlier “business2community.com”:

From this research, you can see that the blog posts published on business2community.com for the past six months attracted over 70,000 social shares. Isn’t that terrific?
This tells you that if you’re able to land a guest posting opportunity here, you should be able to drive loads of traffic back to your site. Not only that, but you will also gain authority links and a bunch of social shares.
Now that you’ve analyzed the site, the next thing you should do is dig into the website’s archive for some of their older posts related to your topic. Once you’ve found one that was well received by that site’s audience, hack it, and craft an even more detailed article covering the same subject.
Here, you want to make the headline really attractive and enchanting, and follow the points we’ve already made above to write the article. Ensure that it’s better than what’s already published on their site.
After you’re done writing the content, contact the blog owner and let them know about the post. If they accept it, the next thing you should do is to send outreach emails to other influencers who will help to promote the post.
5. Rinse and Repeat
You don’t want to apply these tactics once and start sleeping. While you are able to get a good amount of traffic if done well, you should always strive for me.
You want to keep on doing this until you’re tired of getting traffic to your blog (which I doubt you ever will be). The best approach to growing any business both online and offline is to keep on doing what works for you.
The more epic content you write and the more popular blogs you write for, the more exposure you get, the more traffic you’ll be able to drive back to your site, the more friends you’ll make, and the more money you stand to earn.
Therefore, once you’re able to publish an article on one popular site following the steps above, rinse and repeat the process for even more traffic and clients.
There are many ways you can attract more website traffic, and the best way is to try to do what works for others and see if it can have any results for you.
The strategies I’ve shared here are what have worked for many people, and I’m sure they will equally work for you, too.
Just make sure that when you are applying these techniques, you are paying careful attention to performing the process properly. If you do, you’ll notice that everything starts to work out just fine.
When you start to get more traffic, you can convert these visitors into clients and customers. That’s when the real magic of blogging takes hold.
What are some of the things you do to drive more traffic to your blog? How do you attract more clients? Let’s hear your thoughts in the comments below!
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