Are you looking to earn passive income online? Do you want to work part-time online & pay your mobile & other utility bills? If your answer is yes, this will change your life from here!
Working online has become a lifestyle lately & like you, millions desire to do the same. The interesting fact is; countless users are making a living out of income online. If you have tried researching on how people are making money online, I’m sure you must have read about AdSense few times by now. If not…
This is a complete guide for a newbie like you who wants to work part-time & start earning money via AdSense. By the end of this epic guide, you will have all the required information along with things you need to do to start earning as soon as possible. So let’s skip the basic intro part & learn how people are making money from AdSense by working online & how you can too.
What is Google AdSense & how it can make money for you?
Google AdSense is a free service offered by Google for publishers to monetize their web content. A publisher can be anyone with a blog, Website, Youtube channel or other allowed online property. AdSense has always been most popular ways to monetize the content & stepping stone for people who want to earn online.
The reason for AdSense popularity is because of ease of using it & after initial configuration, all you need to do is sit back & see money coming into your account. Moreover, they pay in time & you don’t have to worry about being scammed online.
Getting started with AdSense is easy & you need a blog or Youtube channel to get approval for AdSense account. Once you have an account, all you need to do is create ads (Easy process) & place the AdSense code on your blog using free plugins, & AdSense will automatically display ads. Now, When a reader clicks on those ads, you will earn money from it. After this, your goal is to get traffic to your blog & more traffic you get, more income you will generate.
A word of warning:
If you are thinking this is so easy & you can ask your friends or family to click on the ads, kindly don’t. Google AdSense is a quality ad network that is free to join but they have maintained a high level of quality & any such activities where a publisher is asking to click on ads or using illegal methods to get more clicks,will cost you a disabled AdSense account. Once your account is disabled, it would be hard for you to get back an account.
How much can you earn from AdSense & Income proof:
This is the most basic newbies often ask & you can read this guide to understand how much you can earn. There are users who are making thousands of dollars every day with AdSense. Since I can offer only my proof, here is current screenshot of my AdSense earning in the last six years: $41,854 ( INR 27.5 Lakh)

I have given links to the best AdSense resources below which would help in setting & maintaining your AdSense account, but first let’s help you in getting a web property that is a requisite before you apply for AdSense account.
Creating your web property for getting an AdSense account:
To apply for an AdSense account, you need to have a web-property. That could be a blog, website or anything that is allowed by Google. Here I’m listing down three places where you can create a web property in next few minutes to get started. Depending upon your level of understanding, you can start for free or put a little money if you already aware of how things work online.
Create a free blog on BlogSpot:

BlogSpot is a free blogging platform by Google & you can create a blog of your own in next few minutes (About 10 minutes). This is the best way for anyone who have never worked online & first time trying to make money. Few important things to keep in mind:
Here is a guide to help you create a free blog on BlogSpot. There is also a video embedded in the post which would make the learning easy for you.
Or create a WordPress Blog (Smart & professional way)
This one I recommend to those who have a prior experience of working online or have an idea of how things work. More than 22% of the websites in the world is powered by WordPress & is seen as most respected blogging platform of all time.
The idea of having your hosting & domain name is exciting & seems challenging at first, but WordPress makes it easier for anyone with no experience to gets started with their blog online.

You should download this free eBook on WordPress setup to learn everything about creating a blog on WordPress. For additional questions, feel free to ask me in the comment section. If you are in no mood to read eBook, here are resources that you can refer to right now & create a WordPress blog of your own.

This is another popular method that is used to get an approved AdSense account. Everybody is not keen of writing & many users love to create & record videos. If you are one of those, you should use this method to make money from AdSense.
You need to create an account on Youtube, create a channel (It’s free) & start uploading original videos that you have created. You can use your mobile phone to record some original watchable videos, or you can use video recording & editing tool like Camtasia to create screencast videos.

To give you an idea of what others are doing, HouseWives are creating cooking-related videos, girls are creating fashion related videos, geeks are creating gadgets videos & so on. The possibilities are endless & there is space for everyone. You should check out this & this article to master the basics of Youtube blogging.
Once your Youtube channel is up for few days with constantly video upload (5-10 quality videos), you are most likely to be eligible for making money from uploaded videos. You can head over to this link & apply for monetization. Here you can find more information on Youtube AdSense monetization.
Web property checked- What Next?
Once you have followed any of the above methods to create a web property for yourself. It’s time to apply for AdSense account. The hard part is to get an approved account & this could be done only if you are committed & working on your web property seriously. Do remember, this is not a get rich quick scheme & requires patience & dedication. The joy part is, you will be paid handsomely for your dedication over the time which is why online money making is so lucrative.
Apply for AdSense:
The next step is to fill out the AdSense application & wait for approval. Here are guides/tutorials (Open them one by one) which will help you to get AdSense approval.
Usually getting an approved account takes up to 7 days & in between if your application got rejected, don’t be upset & try to find out what is missing on your blog. Google need valuable publishers & it’s hard for first-timer to get things right.
Do you know, it took me more than three retries to get my AdSense account approved. Here are few resources & case-studies from users who got an approved account.
AdSense approved: What should you do next?
Let me promise you one thing, the day you would see first few dollars in your AdSense dashboard, that feeling will be priceless. Now, since you have tested the joy of making money online, your next focus should be increasing the revenue.
Next step for you is to increase your traffic as more traffic will help you generate more money. Not only that, learn some basic AdSense optimization tips like Ad placement and targeting high CPC Keywords. Once you have done all this (Should take a couple of months), then you can focus on creating niche based AdSense sites. You can get a free blueprint for the same from here.
As Henry Ford said the above lines, you can join the league of extraordinary people who are working part-time & generating income online. Or you can be like many, who would wait for some day for the magic to happen. Since you read until here & serious about making a passive income, I have only one thing to tell you:

Feel free to ask any questions regarding starting your first blog for AdSense. If you are stuck anywhere, you can always ask questions in ShoutMeLoud Bloggers forum, where many readers like you hang out to help each other.
If you find this guide useful, do share it on Facebook & Twitter. What should be the next article in this series? Let me know in the comment section below.
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