When we talk about making money from a blog there are plenty of options. One of the easiest way is by placing few lines of Java-script from an Ad Network like Chitika orAdSense and it will show related ads automatically. This is the best option for a lazy blogger who wants to earn money from their blog. The reason I used word lazy here is because others are using methods like Affiliate marketing which pays huge and give better result.

Ad Network like Chitika works better when you get search engine traffic and affiliate model doesn’t fit your blog. In this article I will give you an overview of Chitika which is one of the popular alternative ad network to AdSense and have a low minimum payout threshold. Specially if you have a blog with less traffic Chitika is going to be one of those premium ad Network which will show quality relevant ad. If you have a high-quality blog, you can expect great income from Chitika.
Chitiak Ad network Overview & Who should join?
I will save some of the most FAQ for the end of this article and let me explain how Chitika works and is it legit or not. Best thing is you can use Chitika ads with AdSense on your blog. If you are familiar with how Google AdSense works, it will be easier for you to understand Chitika.
Chitika (CHIH-tih-ka) is a contextual ad network which meant it shows ads relevant to the content of your site. This helps in getting more click and hence more earning for you. Getting started with Chitika is easy as even with a less traffic blog you can get approval here. Once you are approved all you need to do is create ad zone and place the code in your blog. If you are not so tech-savvy and using WordPress, you can usetheir WordPress plugin to show Chitika ads on your blog.
Chitika offers various ad types including mobile ads which is a major requisite on today’s date. Below image shows you different ad types on this ad network:

Creating ads and customising is again very easy here and after selecting your preferred ad size you can click on get code to get the ad codes. Though Chitika have a high fill rate in terms of ads but you might like to add a fall back ad in case if it doesn’t show any ad. This is useful for those blogs where you have little content and are not targeted. You also have the ability to block ads based on keywords which is showing on your site.

Apart from contextual ad types, Chitika offers other ad types such as Intext ads, Hover ads and highlight ads. You have the ability to enable or disable any of these ad types from Ad > Settings. I would suggest you to use Infolinks for In-text ads type as they are pioneer on this.

For many of the Bloggers Chitika is one of the highest paying advertisement program , as they show very targeted advertisements like Google Adsense. If you are using 3 Adsense units on your blog and are not happy with the Adsense performance, I will recommend replace any one of the ad unit using Chitika and measure the difference.
To get paid by Chitika you need to have a Paypal account which you can create right now from here.
Here are some FAQ’s about Chitika:
Pros of Chitka Program:
Overall Chitika ia decent ad network which you can use and try on your blog. There are bloggers who are earning over $1000 from this ad network and it might work great for you too.
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