A good news for AdSense publishers regarding their payment calculation. For long, we asked to have report on how much money we losing due to invalid activities, and now AdSense team have added this feature. With this, AdSense publishers like you and me, will be able to see revenue loss due to invalid activities.

When you will log into your AdSense dashboard, you will be noticing an estimated earning. But, when you are paid, payment amount is lower than estimated amount, most of the time. This is due to invalid activities.
Invalid activities are clicks & impression which seems invalid. Such as Accidental clicks, traffic from un-allowed sources, Automated clicking tools, or anything which seems unnatural. For such activities, AdSense doesn’t charge advertisers, and we don’t get paid for such clicks.
From May 2015, AdSense have added this feature in the payment history section. Now, you can see a section which says “Invalid traffic” with the amount you didn’t get paid for. This report is available now to all the AdSense publishers. Here is a screenshot from my account:

This adds another layer of transparency for the publishers, and this is one of the many reasons AdSense is considered as best ad program for bloggers. Go ahead, and check your AdSense payment history for invalid traffic report.
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