Getting started with Freelancing is easy only when you have enough work in your hand, the problem with Freelance writing is there is no consistency in the job. You may get tons of articles request in a month, or sometimes you may not get any writing job. It’s important that you don’t keep your eggs all in one basket just incase one source dips, and you lose a large chunk of your revenue. Here I’m creating a list of such Freelance writing websites, which will help you to keep you busy with new writing jobs.
Whether you are just beginning or well into your freelance writing career, the quest for more work is always welcome. Here are eight websites you can use to begin yourfreelance writing career online.

Before, we move ahead I suggest you to read following posts for better Freelancing career.
Handy list of Freelance Writing Websites:
Though, Before you use any of these sites, I suggest you to use Google recent search and look for writing jobs. This will help you to directly reach the people who are looking for blog writers or copywriters, and you will save enough money. Make sure, you click on more search tools > and use posted in last seven days(Google search).

Freelancer (previously GetAFreelancer) is a freelance job board that offers over 100 different available types of jobs for freelancers. IT, writing, programming, design and so much more – if you have the skill for it, Freelancer can help you find a client. Freelancer is great for writers to get started by providing massive jobs – some require over 500+ articles to be written!

For outsourcing writing work or finding jobs, Contentmart is one of the most popular website in 2017. You will need to register to view more details and bid on jobs. the Contentmart community is very mature and bridges the gap between clients and those seeking online pay.

Constant-Content is one of the premiere article marketplaces for serious freelance writers to make money online. Because Constant-Content is so mature, writers can demand top dollar for their articles (charging upward of $100+ each article!). Constant-Content has a strict editorial process but, the large marketplace and demand for writing makes this marketplace one of the best.

UPWork is another main contender for major freelance job boards. Much like Freelancer, UPWork offers a wide variety of jobs that can easily be accomplished online. Although the pay isn’t always the best, the sheer amount of jobs available will always give you something to do.

Although highly overlooked, Craiglist is still one of the easiest to find freelancing writing jobs. Craigslist’s main appeal to network people within the local area but you’re not restricted to just your city – take a look around and see what you can find; thousands of companies and individuals post jobs for writing for blogs, articles, and websites.
Final thoughts and suggestions
Within this post, you’ve been presented with eight different places to find freelance writing gigs online. It’s best to start with one and work your way up. Enter one marketplace and you’ll be able to expand into others – giving you a commanding voice when selling and promoting your articles for online income.
Make sure you complete your profile and add your portfolio on these sites, which will make you look like a professional and an expert. Do you know more such freelance writing sites, which will help a freelance to get writing jobs online? Do share which all websites do you use to find freelance writing work?
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